E-mail Marketing

E-mail Marketing Agency Germany

E-mail Marketing Agency Germany - Perfectly fitting E-Mail-Marketing Solutions

MISSION OM is your e-mail marketing agency from Southern Germany – for everyone who wants to achieve their goals effectively! We advise you personally and competently on all aspects of e-mail marketing and develop customized e-mail marketing solutions for you. We also create and send professional newsletters that are individually tailored to the needs of your company. In the process, we ensure that the content is also precisely suited to the target group you wish to address.

E-Mail Marketing

E-mail marketing is a discipline of digital marketing and of direct marketing. Sending e-mails with information about a product, a service or an offer is intended to draw customers’ attention to these and thus expand or consolidate existing customer contacts. A distinction can be made between the two types of one-to-one and one-to-many communication. In one-to-one communication, a company addresses the e-mail specifically to a single person. In one-to-many communication, the mail can be addressed to any number of people. In terms of effective customer contact and modern customer care, the use of e-mail marketing is an essential element.

Advantages through E-mail Marketing

E-Mail Marketing – Reach Your Goals with MISSION OM

Concept & Realization

We take care of all the required steps and actions. This includes the conceptualization as well as the design and technical implementation of your e-mail marketing campaign. Furthermore, the setup and configuration of your newsletter system and the integration of an interface to your corporate website are also included.

Individual Newsletters

We create newsletter templates which are individually adapted to your company.


Ongoing monitoring and reporting will keep you up to date on the current status and metrics of your email campaign.


Both before and during the creation of your campaign, we will provide you with professional advice and give you recommendations on how to optimize your e-mail campaigns to suit your target audience and brand.

Would you like your e-mail marketing campaigns to take off and realize your marketing goals? Do you still have outstanding questions, or would you like to learn more about our agency? Launch your successful campaign by contacting us now and get started with MISSION OM!
