LinkedIn Ads Agency Germany

LinkedIn Campaign Manager | MISSION OM LinkedIn Ads Agency Germany

We offer consultation on all aspects of LinkedIn marketing and place ads to push your content, to increase the popularity of your events, and to help you fill open positions in your company more efficiently. By placing ads on LinkedIn that specifically target prospects, we assist your company in gaining a higher market coverage and achieve your marketing goals!

LinkedIn Marketing

LinkedIn is the world’s largest social business network. The business focus allows for the creation of a particularly detailed target audience. The LinkedIn Campaign Manager allows a precise targeting of said audience with sponsored content, ads, and other ad formats. LinkedIn offers a wide variety of ad formats to target your prospects via image ads, video ads, follower ads, job ads, to name just a few examples. As MISSION OM we create the ad content for your business and follow up by placing the ads to address your target audience correctly and manage and update your campaigns continuously.

Advantages of LinkedIn Ads Marketing

Reach your goals with MISSION OM LinkedIn Ads Marketing


Based on your input, we determine the goals to be achieved by the LinkedIn ad campaign. These can include increasing content engagement, website visitors, or acquiring customers.

Target Audience

After your campaign goals have been set, we define the target audience to be addressed by the LinkedIn ads. Throughout the duration of the campaign, we continuously adjust the target group to achieve the best possible campaign performance.


We place LinkedIn ads for the defined target groups and optimize them on an ongoing basis.


By constantly monitoring progress and continuously optimizing measures, we ensure your Instagram ad campaign’s long-term success.


A monthly report of all key performance indicators will keep you up to date on your campaign’s progress.

Would you like to achieve your goals by systematically placing ads on the social media platform LinkedIn? Do you still have outstanding questions and would like to learn more about our agency? Launch your successful campaign by contacting us now and get started with MISSION OM!
